Hope is a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.-Emily Dickenson

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Multiple Mottoed

So, mottoed is actually a word, I looked it up. However, when I say that I am multiple mottoed in '07, it sounds like I say multiple mottled, which I think describes me as well... but I digress.

Another motto I claim for this year:

  • I am Sharin' the Herons in '07

I will try to follow up eventually with an explanation of that one. Meanwhile, if you can't wait that long, call me, I'll explain.


T Gonzales said...

i for one am glad you're "sharin' the herons" in '07!

Anonymous said...

me too, k-rad! always happy to have a piece...

RedHeronCurrents said...

thanks for the love! i am very happy to share!