Hope is a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.-Emily Dickenson

Saturday, June 30, 2007


It was spring of 2006 when I first noticed them. How excited I was to see a heron flying over downtown Louisville. Then another and another. They would appear alone, or in numbers of up to 5 that I have seen. It seems they have a flight path that crosses over 65 near St Catherine and Floyd St. I found out recently, that to the dismay of many people, they nest in or around Germantown, flying to and from the river, bringing fish carcasses and polluting neighborhood yards; I personally would be thrilled to have a heron in my yard, dead fish, stinky poop and all. In any case, back to the story at hand... I think they are night herons.

Here's a night heron photo
I took of a few years ago:
As most of you know, I have a bit of an obsession with birds. I feel the need to point most birds out to others as I see them (which can be really annoying to others on road trips).
Last year, I spent most of my time, energy, love, friendship and frustration fixated on one other person. Every time I saw one of these herons, I pointed it out. As we spoke on the phone many times throughout the day, we would be in the middle of a conversation, and I would briefly interrupt to say, "oh, there goes another heron". And in another few minutes, "there's 2 more", and so on it went. It got to the point that she requested I merely keep a tally of all the birds I saw and report it to her once a day.
This year, I am happy to say that I don't talk to any one person on the phone 15 times a day and I am not burdening one person with my heron speak. We could spend lots of time analyzing the seemingly lack of compassion in this other individual, but this is my side of this story, and besides I have done that plenty!
The point I wish to make is that I feel like I am tons healthier this year. I haven't and don't put all my eggs in one basket. I share my stories and my life with many people. I don't look to one person to meet all of my needs, nor do I try to meet all of one person's needs. I think this makes for one much more emotionally healthy Kelly and one who has great gratitude for all of those with whom I am sharing the herons in 2007.


rachelerin said...

I think sharing the herons in '07 is a fabulous motto! So tell me, why do you love herons so? What do they remind you of or symbolize for you?

RedHeronCurrents said...

Wow! How exciting that you provided me with an opportunity to express this... Thank you Rachel! I am amazed with many things heron...Their long thin legs and the fact that they are often seen standing on only one leg shows the great skill of balance, something I struggle with for sure(in both a literal and figurative sense). Also that they feed (nuture) themselves in water suggests that they are willing to explore below the surface finding hidden nourishment; though I sure the heck don't like mucking about in the "swamp of my soul" too much, often I find just what I need, just below the surface. Also... they can be very patient and will stand and wait and then spear their meal with supreme accuracy representing an agressive self determination and self reliance. And lastly, only because I am tring to keep this brief (well, brief by my standards anyway)...in Greek mythology herons have be indicated as being a messenger from the gods. OK...one more thing, in my humble opinion, they display unspeakable grace and beauty! Thanks again for the platform!