Hope is a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.-Emily Dickenson

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!

While talking with some friends the other day, I was whinning about some poor choices I feel my mother made while I was growing up, and the fact that now that she has moved on from this world, I don't even get to fuss at her about how disfunctional those choices have made me, and how different my life would have been had she chose differently. One of my friends asked me how my life would be different. That simple question has made me re-think my anger, resentment and judgment of my mother's choices. I am a dependable, independent, individual with a free spirit and a lack of tolerance for violence of any kind, with a deep compassionate understanding and empathy for those less fortunate than I, and as the very same friend pointed out to me that same evening, quick to become indignant when I feel an injustice has occured. I like all that about me. Those are qualities I might not have, had my mother made different choices. So, a great big thank you goes out to my friend, my mom, and also to Stuart Smiley.


Anonymous said...

Yes. People do like you. Consider me one!

Dott Comments said...

Me too!

And I love it when you get indignant.

Anonymous said...

Me three. And I also love it when you get indignant. Glad the question was helpful.

RedHeronCurrents said...

ok... hey, you annonymous folks out there! I am going to consider you both my secret admirers! I love that! I have two secret admirers... nah nah nah nah nah nah! I love you all man!

Anonymous said...

Who do you hope your secret admirer is?!!

RedHeronCurrents said...

You mean who do I hope they are? Well, let's see... this is the world wide web... In my fantasy world, I hope one is Cheryl Crow, and the other is Maggie Gyllenhall. In K-Rad's Real world... that's way too much info to divulge here. You should call me! ;)

Anonymous said...

Do you want to know we anonymi(plural for anononymous) are? signed anonymous #2.

RedHeronCurrents said...

Hmmm... not sure, I might like the intrigue.

Ok, the intrigue has worn off... unless love notes are soon to follow... I would love to know who the anonymi are!