- A loss of life to suicide
- 3 bereavement days from work
- One massive hair cut
- A ten hour visit to Florida; arrival time 8:30am, departure time 6:30pm
- Amazing connections with marine wildlife; birds and dolphins and manatees, oh my!
- One upper ear re-piercing, pierced by none other than me. Buddah now resides in my ear; The Buddha Listens.
- The creation of 30 pairs of earrings, called Kelly's Grief Collection
- Another loss of life, this one to old age
- 3 more bereavement days from work
- 30 more earrings; the second line of Kelly's Grief Collection
- The taking up of a new hobby of running (more like jogging/walking/jogging/walking/walking /walking/joggi...no, walking)
- An overnight retreat into the woods at Otter Creek with my boys
- A 20 hour stay in West Virginia
- A brief reconnect with a dear friend from high school
- One amazing Everyone Loves Kelly party (click here for photos) hosted by two even more amazing friends
- A new tattoo
To sum it all up... Loss and Love and a Life with many blessings even though they may be hard to see at times.
A big thanks to my many friends, some new and some not so new, some near and some not so near, who continue to help me stand.
glad you're back--many moons with no blog. sorry to hear of your loss...hope you're ok. d3
impressive you were able to recap so concisely without skipping anything. i'm very glad to be able to call you a friend.
p.s. LOVE the tatt pic below! how awesome did that turn out?!
love the earrings...have had many compliments on them. sorry for the circumstance. sd
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