Hope is a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.-Emily Dickenson

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

What kind of girl are you? Take the quiz and see.

Although I'm really not in to labels... I found this sort of fun and interesting. I am a progressive girl. I thought it was a pretty good description of me. I didn't like some of the questions, and I'm not promoting the book, as I really didn't even look at it. I followed a link that led me to a link, that led me to a link, that eventually led me here.


Anonymous said...

I am definitely "Granola Girl"

Anonymous said...

You have neglected your blog. Please write more

Anonymous said...

Oh lordy...they say I am a Girl Next Door. I do call my Mom a lot...and wish my Grandmom was around to still call. I would bake you cookies, but only the quick 'cut off the roll kind'. I suppose it's not so bad of a label...it is only in my delusions that I am "Cool Girl"...but now that wasn't one of the possible choices now was it?

RedHeronCurrents said...

cookies? who's baking me cookies? when? where? i'll be there!

RedHeronCurrents said...

if you bake me cookies... it'll be my delusion as well that you are "Cool Girl". even if it is the 'cut off the roll kind'. hey, cookies are cookies!

Anonymous said...

Is it too late to respond to an old post?

I didn't know you had a blog until recently (Sept 2005).

I took the quiz - I am Progressive Girl, too!

Though, I still like Myers-Briggs better (INFP).



Maybe your blog will replace my TV - but you'd have to quit your job and, like, start blogging every day!

xoxo B