Hope is a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.-Emily Dickenson

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bald is Beautiful

I just washed my hair for the last time. Well, not the last time ever, but the last time these particular ones on my head will be washed. This evening I will be shaving my head.

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of Forrest's death. I have realized that I have little control over much in this world, but how much hair I have, at this time, I have complete control over.

I will be having a gathering with many who have walked with me and sometimes carried me this past year. Three dear friends will be shearing away layers of grief (and hair) to make room for new growth in this next year.

So, while I made up my mind months ago to shave my head to honor this event in my life, I recently decided to participate in St. Balrick's fundraiser to help raise money for kids with cancer. If you'd like to donate to St Baldricks, check out my page with a great photo of me with my hair combed out- no curls so it's really big.

Whether you choose to donate or not, consider offering up a blessing for me and my naked and exposed grief, awaiting the new growth to begin.

ps I'll post pictures soon

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