Hope is a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.-Emily Dickenson

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Friday Night

Friday night, Trolley Hop.
New friend, my maiden voyage on the Hop.
A glass of wine here, a bite of hummus there.
Cool gardening stuff, great home decor as well.

Sunshine fades, clouds move in.
Rain drops pelt, we forge on.
Derby hats tried on, photographs viewed
Tornado sirens blare, across the street we head, I can’t recall where.

More friends are met, we head out back to the deck.
Rain drips through the roof, occasionally into my wine.
A few glasses in, not too disturbed by the dilution.
Dinner consists of cheese-its, right next to the wine.

Great conversation, learning about new friends.
Laughing and enjoying each other’s company.
Radio plays in the background
Occasionally drowning out tornado warnings.

Feeling young and full of life,
We head to the Alternative.
Brain is fuzzy as I try the line dance lesson
Realizing 6 glasses of wine may be a bit much especially on an empty stomach.

Tornado arrives, but only in my mind
As the dances floor spins, while I am still.
Remainder of the night enjoyed, sobering up.
Head home while considering ACT in the am.

Fun was had by all
Hope new friend doesn’t think me a drunk.
ACT test taken,
Although quite certain, I must have flunked.


Dott Comments said...

Sober now?

RedHeronCurrents said...

Yes...finally sober. It was a rough weekend though!