Hope is a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.-Emily Dickenson

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

When I grow up...

I am taking a writing class through JCC. One of our first assignments involved taking a test on what your intelligence areas are. I found my results to be interesting in that I scored highest in the area of musical intelligence. I have never played an instrument, was told by my high school choir director that I couldn't sing, and I never, ever thought of starting a band. My lowest score was in logical/mathematical ability... funny, as presently I work in the accounting field.
Our current assignment tests us on our interests, and then suggests careers that might best suit us. I think this is great, as I am almost 35 and just now starting to seriously think about what I want to be when I grow up.
I blame my lack of direction on my ADD. I have often said that I have too many interests to focus on just one. This test I took proves it! I have an interest level of 54% in an artistic/creating career; 51% in realistic/ producing & adventuring careers; 47% in investigator/ analyzing careers; 31% in social/ helping careers; 22% in conventional/ organizing careers; and 17% in enterprising/ influencing careers. Of course they gave job suggestions for all of these... but would you look at the first three numbers... I am interested in those three almost equally.
I do find it interesting that I have been feeling more creative in the past year than I have in my entire life. I feel my creativity remains mostly untapped. My mother was an artist! Certainly, I have it in me somewhere!

Yesterday, I wanted to be a radiological technician. Today, I think I want to be a web designer.

Check with me tomorrow.


Amy Christina said...

Creativity isn't something you inherit.
I'm creativly driven and a songwriter. My mum and dad work for a haulage company. lol.
You're 35 right? And you did a test thing to find your inteligence areas...Oh my...heres me thinking it all gets clearer with *age!

*I'm not calling you old, but I'm 16...you're the same age as my mum.

RedHeronCurrents said...

I have thought all my life that things would get clearer with age... finally, I have stopped waiting for it to happen, and have begun searching for clarity!

I'm sort of diggin' the "you're the same age as my mum." comment... I've been trying my entire life to be older than I am...I am anxiously awaiting the gray hair. I should have had kids 16 years ago! ;)