Hope is a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.-Emily Dickenson

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

When I grow up...

I am taking a writing class through JCC. One of our first assignments involved taking a test on what your intelligence areas are. I found my results to be interesting in that I scored highest in the area of musical intelligence. I have never played an instrument, was told by my high school choir director that I couldn't sing, and I never, ever thought of starting a band. My lowest score was in logical/mathematical ability... funny, as presently I work in the accounting field.
Our current assignment tests us on our interests, and then suggests careers that might best suit us. I think this is great, as I am almost 35 and just now starting to seriously think about what I want to be when I grow up.
I blame my lack of direction on my ADD. I have often said that I have too many interests to focus on just one. This test I took proves it! I have an interest level of 54% in an artistic/creating career; 51% in realistic/ producing & adventuring careers; 47% in investigator/ analyzing careers; 31% in social/ helping careers; 22% in conventional/ organizing careers; and 17% in enterprising/ influencing careers. Of course they gave job suggestions for all of these... but would you look at the first three numbers... I am interested in those three almost equally.
I do find it interesting that I have been feeling more creative in the past year than I have in my entire life. I feel my creativity remains mostly untapped. My mother was an artist! Certainly, I have it in me somewhere!

Yesterday, I wanted to be a radiological technician. Today, I think I want to be a web designer.

Check with me tomorrow.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Pat Robertson

I like to think I am very tolerant of all religious groups and try to respect their opinions and beliefs. However, I take issue with many aspects of how Christianity seems to be delivered today. The inspiration behind this email comes from a recent statement made by Pat Robertson regarding Ariel Sharon. Robertson suggested that the severe stroke that has Sharon still in a coma and in critical condition was a direct punishment from God for pulling out of Gaza Strip last summer.
“God considers this land to be his," Robertson said "You read the Bible and he says 'This is my land,' and for any prime minister of Israel who decides he is going to carve it up and give it away, God says, 'No, this is mine." Okay, sure we all say stupid things. My first inclination is to cut the guy a little slack, because after all, he did apologize almost immediately thereafter.
Then I recalled his statement in August ’05 where he compared Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler and suggested that the United States should assassinate him. Of course he did apologize then as well. Then I remember so many other hate filled remarks that came out of this good Christian’s mouth. (Stupid Pat Robertson Quotes) Most of which he has not apologized for. It brings me to 2 of the biggest issues I have with Christianity as it often seems to be practiced today… 1) its seems to be ok to do and say whatever you want, even if it is unfair, unjust, and just plain hateful and mean… as long as you repent thereafter. Might I suggest that it could be possible for the good lord to strike you down before the next Sunday service at which time you plan to repent? 2) Have these Christians actually read the new testament? I thought Jesus was all about forgiveness, and turning the other cheek… and compassion, and helping those in need. Maybe I am simply confused, yet again.

Questions Questions Questions!

Is it just me or does everyone struggle with knowing what it is that they need versus knowing what it is that they want. And why can't I seem to want what I need? I mean I want to eat the entire carton of ice-cream; but really I need not! Then, I also struggle with knowing if the voice I am hearing in my head is my intuition or my fear. They both sound the same to me. Sometimes they are indeed saying the same thing, and that really sucks to discover. But I am glad I hear the voices. Does anyone else here the voices? Should I be medicated??

Life is still going quite well for me, I have to say. Just not so well that it would be found disgusting or unbelievable. Thank Goddess for that, it's hard to live in a fantasy world for too long, I tend to lose sight of what's real!

Friday, January 13, 2006

What type of wine are you?

I am a Chardonnay

"You are a fun and light-hearted penguin who believes in true love. You may be black and white on the outside, but under those feathers beats a heart of gold. Good times and good friends are never far away, which is why the Little Penguin Chardonnay is your social beverage of choice. "

I feel certain that a few months ago, I would have been a bitter, bitter 'whine'. Funny how life can change.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm Alive!

Currently, my life is so damn good, I feel most would either find it disgusting or unbelievable- or perhaps a little of both. But hey... there is some great stuff out there! Check out Dott Comments. While you are there, be sure to check out the photos from Isreal.